Saturday, March 6, 2010


Yes, I know I disappered. Sorry. I will talk about later. Enjoy the picture of Mom and Zach. This will be short, but I guess the best thing to say is she is doing ok. Good days and not so good days. About the same for me.

Bunches of Love

Friday, February 5, 2010

Settled In

I went and spent part of the day with Mom. I have decided that the drive isn't really that bad. I just turn up the music and off I go singing my little heart out!

The smell isn't any better, but I guess the day was better than my first one there.

Mom seemed to be in a pretty good mood. I only got a few smiles throughout the day, but I didn't get the look to kill either. When I got there she was getting turned and I met 2 of the aides, who seemed nice. Not long after that the Director of Nursing came in to change a battery. I talked to her a bit and she seemed very nice, said to come talk to her for anything. Just thought she seemed kinda young. They have some kind of pump they are using on Mom. It gives her the antibiotics throughout a 24 hour period. She told me there was a doctor there and he would be in to see Mom soon.

The doctor did come in, he is the internist for the facility. The director and a LPN came with him. He seemed nice too. He asked alot of questions, knew Mom was a retired nurse and he got down to her level and talked to her about what he wanted to do. I think she has another boyfriend! Which has made me decide that my Mom likes men. Not that she didn't like men, but you know what I mean and it's strange. I guess all she needs is a few good looking men to come see her now and then and make her happy. They get bigger smiles than I do. We will see if she does that for Jeff this weekend.

Anyways, She is having a bowel problem and they were going to do a few tests and have the wound care nurse look at her. They think it could be the antibiotics. When he bottom gets all healed up he wants to take her catheter out. Just another tube to cause infections. He would like to take her central line out also when these antibiotics are done, but I believe they said she has 10 more days on them. He doesn't want her on antibiotics all the time which most of us know isn't good. Having all the tubes is such a higher risk to get the infections, they want to take out what they can. Her potassium is a bit low so they will give her some. She will not get lab work done everyday or chest xrays everyday like she did. I know that is a good thing, but it worries me. I want them right on top of something if it isn't right. I do agree with this doctor that you just can't go on numbers of tests all the time, you have to get to know the patient and watch them. Oh and they can do xrays at the facility, I was worried about that.

I had questioned them about if she would have a cardiologist. She does not. If she needs to see one, the ambulance will take her to him to see, which means she will have to come to Decatur to see Dr. Caseres and I have no idea how that works with her ventialtor. She will have a pulmonologist and a general doctor along with her internist. I signed for a podiatrist to see her once a month and for a dentist to see her. I also signed her up for a monthly haircut, sorry Gail! I would have you do it, but it is kinda far for ya!

Then 2 new aides were there for second shift and they seemed really nice. They asked me all kinds of questions about Mom. They said that they do not switch the aides or nurses around much on the ventilator unit. So they have the same people working and they are able to get to know the patients better and the patients get used to who takes care of them.

I got her room all decorated. She is ready for Valentine's Day and has all her pictures up. I guess it's as homey as can be for now. I am having trouble geting her name on all her fuzzy socks--any ideas? The pair she went in has disappeared already. She has to provide her own TV. They found one for her to use until we get her one. They apparently have a few floating around for that reason. It has to be 19" or under or we would take her the new one she has at home. You have to pay $5 a month for the cable which doesn't seem bad. She will actually be able to watch HGTV now. Yeah!!!

Also got to meet the speech therapist. She came in to work with Mom and of course Mom ignored her. But she will be getting speech therapy 5 times a week.

I talked to her about where she was and why. It made me cry. I told her I was sorry I couldn't take care of her at home by myself. I told her I wasn't coming today because of the weather and she smiled at me, so it must be ok.

The house is a disaster, the yard is a disaster from where we were re-doing the fence when Mom got sick. It's like life stopped that day. The fall decorations are still out and Halloween ones in a box in the living room. I still have stuff in the car in bring inside and go through. It's going to take awhile to get things straightened up and organized here at our house and hers. I will eventually get some kind of routine down. Right now I'm lazy and just trying to rest up. I am making a list of things that need to be done so I don't lay in bed at night and worry about it. So much to do!!!

I am glad to be home with Jeff and Zach. I think they missed me. I know the dogs did!! Rox went to the vet again Wednesday morning. He is a mess!! He looks awful, I told the vet he looks mangy. Not nice of me huh? Hopefully the medicine for his arthritis will start working. He can hardly move at all. It's bad. Then you add in he won't stop licking his feet and butt and then his skin problems on top of that. Poor Guy! Shaggy will be having his surgery next Wednesday. This should be fun afterwards. He will only be able to go out if he is walked on a leash and he can't jump up on anything or run. So he is going to live most of the next 2 months in a crate. Guess you gotta do what is best for him. The vet said she had to re-do her own dog (who has had the surgery Shaggy is having) because she didn't listen to her own advice. She let her dog get on the couch and she broke her line in her leg before it healed. Glad she didn't have to pay for the surgery re-do! We would have to. She did say you can get the surgery done in Champaign. They would put titanium in his leg and it would be about $2000. Jeff sure said no to that quick.

Speaking of Jeff. What a wonderful husband!!!!!! He let me put my Mom ahead of him and go off for 3 months. I love him more for it. I left and guess what? I got a present when I got home. He took my wedding ring to get fixed and got my Valentine's Day present and gave it to me early. He got me a matching bracelet, earrings and necklace. They have a Hershey's Kiss on them and the tag says Kisses. So I always get to wear a kiss from the hubs!!!

Wednesday evening I got a call and when I answered it this is what I heard----Hi Nanny!! I went across the street and played with Luca. Did me a world of good. Nothing like hugs and kisses from a 2 year old. He was going to come home with me too! He did ask about Marylee. I told him she was still sick. Maybe they will let me take him to see her when things get settled down.

I hate this weather, but I can only imagine what it is like up north!

Bunches of Love,

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Well Mom is in Lincoln at Maple Ridge. She is in Room 49 in the ventilator unit. Luckily for now she has the room to herself. I am trying not to be too judgemental because nowhere is good enough for Mom. It is definatly a nursing home and the smell hits you when you walk in the door. So that is my first impression. I filled out the paperwork for her and have some things to take today. She is totally pissed, excuse my language. I did not go yesterday. I am physically and emotionally exhausted. I needed a day away and Jeff conivnced me I was not a horrible daughter if I didn't go. So I shall go today and see how she is and start making her room try to be a little bit like home. I think this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Will update you all later.

Bunches of Love,

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Mom is getting moved to Lincoln today. I will be following and then be going home. More later

Bunches of Love

Friday, January 29, 2010

Just letting you know

I have not been to the hospital yet, but have spoken to the doctor. We will be staying for a few more days. Mom's temp went from 100.2 yesterday to 100.6 today. They have started her on 2 IV antibiotics. So with that and her blood pressure problem tomorrow, she is staying for at least a few more days. The doctor said if they sent her like this, she would just end up in the hospital down there.

I also discussed having a CAT scan. She said if she was having more mini strokes it would not change how they treated her, but I told her it might change what we wanted to do. So, she will be getting a scan today.

Bunches of Love,

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Coming Home?

I was told today that Mom might get to move tomorrow. They are not sure though. Her blood pressure went down to 59/33 this morning, but was doing better during the day. She is also running a low fever. She will be going to Maple Ridge in Lincoln, they have officially accepted her as a patient.

Mom has done nothing for 4 days but sleep and I am worried about her. It is normal to get tired and worn out when they wean someone because they really are doing alot of work. This is more than sleepy. She is just plain out of it. I asked today for a cat scan. I am worried she has had another stroke or some small ones. So I don't know what is going on. They were doing some blood and urine tests on her this evening to check out why she might be having the temp. They were also going to do a sputum culture.

I went ahead and paid for my motel for Friday night. I will see what tomorrow holds. I want to come home and get Mom closer to home. I think it would be so good for her to see someone else besides me.

Bunches of Love

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Update as promised

Gosh I have to think what has went on. Rich came Saturday and had to leave Sunday. I think he got to have a nice visit with Mom and we did too. He took me to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner and boy was it delicious! Then he treated me to Bath & Body Works. I can assure everyone that I smell very good!

Mom is doing good right now. Ever since Friday night she has been awake, alert and happy. Rich had never seen her like that. I think he was surprised. The blood she received has brought her hemoglobin up and is staying up. The only infections that she has right now is a urinary tract infection, so all those nasty bugs are gone for now.

Her J tube got clogged and the doc pulled it out today. I was not happy with that. She just got it in last Wednesday. He said she probably didn't need it anymore. Oh I have something to say to somebody about that.

Her lungs have cleared up and today they started a weaning process again. She is still in the ICU and I think she likes it. She likes to watch everyone and there is some action going on in there.

They did an echocardiogram of her heart yesterday. Her ejection fracture is at 35%. Not the best news, it dropped ten percent. Her heart is only pumping about half of what it should. Doc said usually he would put in a defibulater, but she isn't able to handle it right now. She has some crazy things going on with her heart rythmn too. They think her blood pressure went sky high and that is what caused her to go into heart failure. I do know she has a great cardiologist. That's her boyfriend ya know. He even apologized to her this evening because he said his hair was not perfect for her. He was in surgery today and it was messed up. She just smiled that smile and patted him. They are very entertaining.

Her and I have been reading a magazine with recepies in it and she likes it. I read her the recipies, she makes a face if she thinks they are yucky and if she doesn't I read her the recipie and she comments on it with her expression. She even takes the magazine and looks up close at the pics and seems to read things. I don't do this long with her, she gets tired easy.

The bad news for me is I am losing my room Friday. I have been back 3 weeks now and there are people on waiting list. I'm not sure yet what I am going to do. The cheapest hotel is $225.00 plus tax for a week. I know that I need to come home and relax but I just can't leave her up here for a long time especiaaly with her in the ICU unit.

Bunches of Love